Tag Archives: Rage

A Slight Glimpse On Suffering

(Suffering In Rage)

I suffer and always have suffered.
Why? The reasons don’t seem to cease existing.
Every single day there is a new reason to suffer.
Will it come to an end someday? I don’t think so.

I Believe some people exist to endure suffering in their whole lifetime.
Not because they want it of course, and it’s naive to think that people really craves suffering.
Bullshit, yes we have a masochist inside, and that’s everyone speaking ( scientific fuckin’ truth )

But speaking of the normal/average man, ( I don’t who the fuck is he or who the fuck normalized/averagized him )
We are not masochists and we don’t want to suffer.
Some people cannot avoid it, cannot delude themselves to escape it.
Suffering exists as long as their brains do.

Now I am not going to speak of the ups and downs and how the existence of “downs” make what we perceive as “ups”.
I am speaking of a relatively constant state of suffering that some may have to live with.
These are not pessimists by desire, but maybe they are the Defacto pessimists.

Well let’s say that a suffering is gap, a gap between the current state of affairs and a desired state of affairs!
and it’s fuckin’ obvious that the current state of affairs is fucked up and the desired is not.

now let me tell you about those, who have what I call ..
Hyper Consciousness.
Unfortunately, they are piercing analyzers, they see through things, they deconstruct that current state of affairs to the bones.
They sharply perceive everything at large, like a mind of a paranoid except they are not!
Their sharpness sharpen their suffering with it.

They may be perfectionists, they may not be .. but .. they never manipulate that current state of affairs to make it look like the desired ones.

Suffering now is a gap .. that obviously can never be filled.
The gap is constantly changing place, from one point to another with constant distance between extremes, at best.
and Those extremes may change, to opposite directions, growing the gap and falling into deeper suffering.

so ..
let me say it instead of youd ..
Most probably you didn’t benefit shit from that shit you’re reading
and here I must say …

It’s Good To Be Dumb.

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